Sonic the Comic Wiki

Sony the Comic was an April Fools' Day joke in 2006. Like Shadow the Comic the previous year, the prank replaced the current issue of Sonic the Comic Online.

The premise of the special was that Sony had taken over Sonic the Comic, much like how the PlayStation was deemed to have knocked Sega out of the console market. This was reflected in the main headline, "So Long Sega". The cover was adorned with the PlayStation 3 and the provisional controller. The Cover Head featured Crash Bandicoot, despite him not being solely a Sony character. Megadroid also received an upgrade, his Gamecube body replaced by a PlayStation Portable.

Along with the site update, the Message Zone was given a new look. The usual blue gradient was replaced by a striking pink. The Sonic the Comic logo in the top-left was also replaced by the "Sony the Comic" image. Although normal services resumed the next day, Boomers can still relive this experience by selecting "Sony the Comic" as a skin on the "modify profile" page.

