The current logo, as shown on Facebook
Sonic the Comic Online is an unofficial continuation of Sonic the Comic. The term "unofficially official" has sometimes been attributed to it, as it has been favourably recognised by former STC creators like Nigel Kitching. In January 2010, Sega of Europe's official Sonic blog & Twitter made mention of the 250th issue of STC-O. The series is currently on Issue 280.
The first issue, Issue 224 (the issue numbering continuing from where the print series left off) was released in May 2003 and the comic reached Issue 250 in January 2010, along with numerous Specials and Poster Mags. All contributors to the comic do so in their free time and none were originally professional writers or artists, which is why the comic is published rather infrequently (3 or 4 main editions a year on average). Some STC-O alumni, such as Zak Simmonds-Hurn, have gone on to become professionals.
The current editor is Stiv, who took over from Charles Ellis after Issue 253, who in turn took over from Ed Reynolds, although the latter's scripts continued until Issue 250. Tom Huxley had worked as editor before this, but departed before the first issue. Mike Corker is the second editor and designer of the whole STC-O site, and has been since the first issue. Corker also frequently provides scripts and artwork to the comic. Other regular contributors include Jamie J, Adamis, Robert Frazer and Team Mobius, along with many others.
Several regular features have returned in the online edition. Speedlines, initially scrapped from Sonic the Comic but brought back to be hosted by Sonic the Hedgehog himself, is the letters page and has seen frequent appearances in STC-O. Major Sonic and Sonic Team games are often given a review in the Review Zone by Review Hume Iain Stewart or (Stuart Gipp and Drew Middlemas), among other guest writers. The Data Zone from later editions of the print STC features in every issue of Online, breaking down the major characters and story so far for new readers.
Alongside Sonic the Comic Online is the Message Zone, a message board where readers of the original Sonic the Comic have congregated. A number of the members have gone on to contribute to STC-O, while others have provided letters and drawings for Speedlines and the Graphic Zone competition.
External Links[]
- http://www.stconline.co.uk - The official Sonic the Comic Online site.
- http://sonicthecomic.proboards.com - The 'Message Zone'