Sonic the Comic Wiki

Art by Mick McMahon

A secret Zone is a hidden area that is home to The Trickster. It can only be accessed by a portal that he controls. Split into certain sections, the Zone originally appears to be a void filled only with television screens. However, further exploration reveals a hilled area with a train track.


Deciding to use his riches and technology for evil, the Trickster created a gateway to Mobius and sent his smart missile to attack Sonic the Hedgehog. At the same time, Tekno the Canary discovered the Trickster's computer system, just as a portal materialised in her workshop. The Trickster captured her and assumed her form, convincing Sonic to enter the secret Zone.

Once inside, Sonic and "Tekno" were confronted by a recording of the Trickster, telling them to travel further into the Zone. The imposter Tekno revealed that the Trickster had constructed the secret Zone with his fortune. He then activated a series of giant toys that attacked Sonic, although they were all destroyed by Sonic's Spin Attack. A rhyme from the Trickster gave his lie away and he reunited Sonic with the real Tekno. Defeated, the Trickster vowed to seal his Zone off from the outside world, giving the heroes ten seconds to escape. The gateway then disappeared behind them.

