Kitching, as drawn by himself.
Nigel Kitching is a writer and artist best known for his work as a lead writer for Sonic the Comic. Kitching's first story was in Issue 4 and, by Issue 8, he had become responsible for the direction the comic moved into, with Doctor Robotnik taking over Mobius. Up towards the end of STC's non-reprint run, Kitching shared writing duties with several other authors, notably Lew Stringer, but was fired during the Shanazar arc, leaving Stringer as the only creator. Kitching returned to pen the final 70-page Sonic Adventure story arc and brought Issue 223 to a close with an article on STC's history.
Aside from STC, Kitching has also worked for 2000AD and on other minor publications, sometimes along with other STC alumni. Nigel is an occasional poster on the Message Zone with his own Ask Nigel Q&A thread and has attended the Summer of Sonic convention on at least two occasions.
Kitching has returned to Sonic the Comic Online on two occasions. After drawing the first page of Decap Attack strip Good Luck Chuck, he joined in with the 20th anniversary celebrations of Issue 261, writing In Memory.
Listed articles are scripts only, unless indicated otherwise.
Sonic the Hedgehog[]
- Issue 4 - Day of the Badniks
- Issue 6 - Attack on the Death Egg
- Issue 7 - Super Sonic
- Issue 8 - The Origin of Sonic
- Issue 9 - Back to Reality
- Issue 10 - Megatox
- Issue 14 - Hero of the Year
- Issue 18 to Issue 19 - Casino Night
- Issue 20 - Hill Top Terror
- Issue 21 to Issue 22 - Girl Trouble
- Issue 23 - Pirates of the Mystic Cave
- Issue 24 to Issue 28 - The Sonic Terminator
- Issue 29 - The Sentinel
- Issue 33 to Issue 34 - Enter Knuckles
- Issue 35 to Issue 36 - Power of the Chaos Emeralds
- Issue 37 to Issue 38 - Robotnik's Revenge
- Issue 39 - Sonic No More
- Issue 43 to Issue 44 - Badniks Bridge
- Issue 45 - Day of the Death Egg
- Issue 47 to Issue 48 - Mystery of the Sandopolis Zone
- Issue 49 to Issue 50 - Count Down to Disaster
- Issue 51 to Issue 53 - Disaster!
- Issue 55 to Issue 56 - The Great Escape!
- Issue 57 to Issue 58 - The Rampage of Mekanik (art)
- Issue 59 to Issue 62 - The Brotherhood of Metallix
- Issue 67 to Issue 72 - The Return of Chaotix
- Issue 75 - Smokey and the Badnik
- Issue 76 - The Big Decision
- Issue 77 - Voice of the People
- Issue 78 - Plasma
- Issue 79 - Return to the Miracle Planet
- Issue 80 to Issue 82 - Running Wild
- Issue 84 to Issue 86 - Heroes & Villains
- Issue 87 - Mister Shifter
- Issue 88 - The Ultimate Nightmare (story and art)
- Issue 89 to Issue 90 - The Tomb
- Issue 91 to Issue 92 - The Hive
- Issue 95 - The Big Fight
- Issue 97 to Issue 99 - Doomsday
- Issue 100 - The Final Victory
- Issue 104 to Issue 106 - Flickies' Island
- Issue 109 to Issue 112 - The Evil Empire
- Issue 113 - The Detour
- Issue 114 to Issue 115 - Crisis in the Chemical Plant Zone
- Issue 116 to Issue 118 - Best of Enemies
- Issue 119 - Black Christmas
- Issue 121 to Issue 122 - Hobson & Choy
- Issue 123 to Issue 125 - Order & Chaos (story and colouring)
- Issue 126 - The House on the Hill
- Issue 127 to Issue 129 - Robotnik Reigns Supreme
- Issue 130 - Showdown
- Issue 134 - Back in the Special Zone
- Issue 135 to Issue 138 - Roots
- Issue 139 - Whatever Happened to Grimer?
- Issue 140 - The Forgotten Badnik (story and colouring)
- Issue 141 - The Haunted Zone
- Issue 142 - Revenge
- Issue 143 to Issue 144 - Secret Enemy
- Issue 145 - Child's Play
- Issue 146 to Issue 147 - Earth Attacks (colouring)
- Issue 149 - Shanazar
- Issue 150 - Robotnik No More?
- Issue 151 - The Mystic Mountain
- Issue 152 - Mountain of Doom
- Issue 153 - Heart of Evil
- Issue 155 - Secret of the Tower (story and art)
- Issue 156 to Issue 157 - No Escape
- Issue 175 - The Coming of Chaos!
- Issue 176 - What Price Victory?
- Issue 177 - Night Terrors!
- Issue 178 - Splash-Down!
- Issue 179 - Out of Time!
- Issue 180 - Prisoner of War!
- Issue 181 - War of the Worlds!
- Issue 182 - The Origin of Chaos!
- Issue 183 - Perfect Chaos!
- Issue 184 - Point of No Return!
- Sonic the Poster Mag 3 - The Kid Cruel Caper
- Sonic the Poster Mag 5 - Ocean of Horror
- Sonic the Poster Mag 8 - The Chaos Emerald Thief
- Sonic the Summer Special - Doctor Sun
- Sonic Holiday Special 1996 - Break Out!
- Issue 261 - In Memory
- Issue 275 (and Exit: Sonic) - Exit: Sonic
Captain Plunder[]
- Issue 47 to issue 50 - Captain Plunder & His Sky Pirates (story and art)
- Issue 91 to Issue 93 - Shanghaied
- Issue 103 to Issue 108 - Captain Plunder and the Spice Maidens
Decap Attack[]
Kitching wrote (or co-wrote) every single Decap Attack story, making it his pet project and the most successful Sega Superstars series. He also provided art for the vast majority of entries:
- Issue 10 to Issue 15 - Starring Chuck D. Head!
- Issue 34 to Issue 39 - Who Killed Chuck?
- Issue 40 - The Replacement
- Issue 66 to Issue 68 - Monster of the Year
- Issue 69 - The Headless Snowmen
- Issue 70 - Nanny Knows Best
- Issue 71 - The Bride of Chuck D. Head
- Issue 89 - The Pumpkin Chaser
- Issue 90 - Boris & the Book
- Issue 91 to Issue 93 - The Legend of Mr Cuddle Bunny
- Issue 94 - The Hungry Guest
- Issue 105 - Wish
- Issue 107 to Issue 108 - Caught by the Prefects
- Issue 111 - The Maltese Budgies
- Issue 113 - Fearless Monster Hunters
- Issue 114 to Issue 115 - Chuck and the Cheese Factory
- Issue 116 - Return of the Pumpkins
- Issue 119 - Christmas Carol II
- Issue 120 - Chuck's Savings
- Issue 123 - Love is Blind
- Issue 125 - Dog
- Issue 126 - Mother
- Issue 129 - The Dungeon
- Issue 130 - Birthday
- Issue 131 to Issue 132 - Decap-Man
- Issue 257 - Good Luck Chuck (art only, one page)
Knuckles the Echidna[]
- Issue 39 to Issue 44 - Carnival Night Conspiracy
- Issue 53 to Issue 58 - Total Chaotix
- Issue 65 to Issue 68 - The Homecoming
- Issue 69 to Issue 72 - The Graveyard
- Issue 73 - New Master Emerald
- Issue 74 to Issue 79 - Ghost Ship
- Issue 82 to Issue 83 - Troubled Waters
- Issue 84 to Issue 86 - Village of the Damned
- Issue 87 to Issue 90 - The Good, The Bad and the Echidna
- Issue 94 to Issue 96 - Roots
- Issue 97 to Issue 99 - Victims
- Issue 100 - The Final Victory
- Issue 101 - Loose Ends
- Issue 121 to Issue 124 - On The Run
- Issue 135 to Issue 138 - The Take-Over
- Sonic the Summer Special - Guardian of the Chaos Emeralds
Sonic's World[]
- Issue 25 - Prologue: Once Upon a Planet...
- Issue 26 - Kintobor spelled backwards is...
- Issue 27 - A Tale of Tails
- Issue 77 and Issue 78 - Hidden Danger (art)
- Issue 79 to Issue 82 - Revolution (art)
- Issue 100 - The Final Victory (art)
Super Sonic[]
- Issue 102 - What Ever Happened to Super Sonic? (story and art)
- Issue 116 to Issue 118 - Hunter & the Hunted
- Issue 146 to Issue 148 - Return of the Nightmare
- Issue 16 to Issue 17 - The Nameless Zone
- Issue 18 to Issue 21 - The Land Beyond
- Issue 59 to Issue 64 - The Revenge of Trogg (story and art)
- Issue 143 to Issue 144 - The Goblin Overlords
- Sonic the Summer Special - Attack of the Badniks
- Issue 41 - Megadroid (art)
- Issue 41 to Issue 46 - The Only Game in Town
- Issue 53 to Issue 58 - Last of the Rocket Knights
- Issue 73 to Issue 78 - The Curse of Zeon
- Sonic the Poster Mag 7 - Facts of Life
- Sonic the Summer Special - Test Drive
- New to Sonic the Comic? - Panel 19 (art)