Nigel Dobbyn was an artist who worked for Sonic the Comic. Rising to prominence by drawing nearly every Knuckles the Echidna strip, Dobbyn is one of the most popular members of staff, often mentioned alongside Richard Elson as a favoured artist. Much of his work away from Knuckles is colouring other people's strips, particularly Roberto Corona, although he has also drawn solo Tails and Amy Rose adventures. He also has strong links with Sonic the Comic Online, meeting with STC-O Humes and Boomers for the Hume Quest meet, as well as sitting with staff members at Summer of Sonic 2011. Dobbyn has even drawn the cover for Issue 254 (coloured by Pete Murphy) and coloured one of the panels in Issue 257's Decap Attack strip.
Aside from the above contributions, Dobbyn made his full debut in STC-O with his work on "In Memory. Working with Nigel Kitching in the comic for the first time since the print run, Dobbyn produced the inks, colours and lettering for the Sonic the Hedgehog adventure.
Aside from Sonic the Comic, Dobbyn has been involved with a large number of licensed comics, from Power Rangers to Transformers, 2000AD and Digimon, among others.