The Metropolis Zone is one of the largest cities on Mobius, and as a result it was the capital for the Robotnik Empire in the last years of RBR. When he finally moved his base of operations to the Mobian mainland, it was Metropolis that gained the menacing Citadel Robotnik. After Robotnik fell, the Zone remained a major population centre and a key target for villains. As a result, Sonic the Hedgehog and other heroes have been forever defending it.
Law and order is overseen by the dubiously competent Police Chief Bodger.
Being the capital city of Mobius, many of the stories were featured there. It therefore makes sense that many key leisure spots and military targets were seen in Sonic the Comic. Citadel Robotnik was the most prominent feature during the days of RBR, towering over the skyline as a grim reminder of the state of affairs. Prisons also littered the streets, particularly in the slums, holding prisoners before they were taken to a Badnik Processing Plant. These were later replaced by one big Metropolis City High Security Prison, with Grimer being a notable prisoner (despite quickly taking over the facility completely. All finance in the city seems to go through the Metropolis Zone Central Bank, despite it being destroyed at one point.
Due to its size, the city is split into districts. The Neighbourhood is the location of The Groovy Train, home and business of Ebony. Hell's Pantry is noted to be a rough area and was where Sonic fought Oscura of The Family. The Kane Broadcasting Company's headquarters are there, with Percival James Kane's helicopter often hovering above it. Resident Smokey often visits the dilapidated Metropolis East Leisure Centre to visit his Badnik friend. A fenced area of serenity is Metropolis Park, even if it was once attacked by the Special Badnik Service.
At one point, the Freedom Fighters inhabited the outskirts of the Zone, wanting to get as close as they could to the heart of the empire without being caught. During this time, it was the home of Bob Beaky's Travelling Circus until it was destroyed by Super Sonic. Now that The Battle For Mobius is over and the war is in full swing, it is the home of the Freedom Fighers once more, inhabiting a base underneath Buddy's Bistro.
Known residents[]
Despite the Zone being the largest on Mobius, there aren't a great deal of named people known to be living there. Many that are seen are one-shot criminals who are shipped off to the prisons, effectively removing them as citizens of the Zone. Even Ebony, long-time resident, no longer lives there; she went on the run from The Order of Magick until she was caught and taken to their world. Pyjamas may still run The Groovy Train on her own. Smokey presumably still lives there (albeit without his Badnik), as does Tantrum the Mouse.
- Issue 14 - Hero of the Year
- Issue 48 to Issue 50 - Captain Plunder & His Sky Pirates
- Issue 55 to Issue 56 - The Great Escape!
- Issue 59 - The Brotherhood of Metallix
- Issue 66 to Issue 67 - Cybernik Strikes Back
- Issue 74 - Mission to the Metropolis Zone
- Issue 75 - Smokey and the Badnik
- Issue 76 - The Big Decision
- Issue 76 - Fox On The Run
- Issue 77 - Voice of the People
- Issue 78 - Plasma
- Issue 79 to Issue 82 - Revolution
- Issue 80 to Issue 82 - Running Wild
- Issue 84 - New Image
- Issue 90 - Secret Weapon
- Issue 94 to Issue 96 - Roots
- Issue 98 - Solidarity
- Issue 99 - No Exit
- Issue 100 - The Final Victory
- Issue 101 - Vote For Me
- Issue 102 - Unnatural Disasters
- Issue 102 - What Ever Happened to Super Sonic?
- Issue 109 to Issue 110 - Star Struck
- Issue 109 - Kog the Mighty
- Issue 116 to Issue 118 - Hunter & the Hunted
- Issue 120 to Issue 121 - Breakout
- Issue 121 - Hobson & Choy
- Issue 122 to Issue 123 - Root of All Evil
- Issue 133 - Following Suit
- Issue 134 - Hyper Sonic
- Issue 138 - Doctor Genius
- Issue 139 - Whatever Happened to Grimer?
- Issue 142 - Revenge
- Issue 143 to Issue 144 - Secret Enemy
- Issue 145 - Captain Christmas
- Issue 146 to Issue 148 - Return of the Nightmare
- Issue 150 - The Trickster
- Issue 175 - The Coming of Chaos!
- Issue 176 - What Price Victory?
- Issue 177 - Night Terrors!
Sonic the Comic Online[]
- Issue 224 - Amy vs Tekno
- Issue 224 to Issue 225 - Just Like Old Crimes
- Issue 230 - The End of the World!
- Issue 234 - Journey to the Crossroads
- Issue 236 - Unusual Suspect
- Issue 237 - The Least Likely
- Issue 239 - Chasing Amy
- Issue 239 - The Inside Story
- Issue 241 to Issue 242 - Out of Psyche, Out of Mind
- Issue 243 to Issue 244 - Kill Big
- Issue 245 - Ultimatum
- Issue 246 - Whodunit?
- Issue 250 - The Battle For Mobius
- Issue 252 - Death, Taxes, and Leaky Sandbags
- Issue 252 - Visa Vixen
- Issue 254 - War of the Rose
- Issue 259 - Sky Chase
- Issue 259 - Big the Cat Hits the Road!
- Issue 260 - Libra
- Issue 261 - In Memory
- Issue 261 - To the Hero of Mobius
- Issue 262 - The World's Worst Villain
- Issue 264 - Mouse Compatible
- Issue 267 - Final Glory
- Issue 268 - Small Screen Scream!
- Issue 269 to Issue 270 - Night of the Livid Pet
- Issue 270 - Betrayal
- Issue 271 - The Ending of Things!
- Issue 271 - The Burning of Things