Issue 6 is the sixth edition of Sonic the Comic, the UK's official SEGA comic. Released on the 7th August 1993, at the price of 95p, the issue contained four original stories, one of them new, as well as several features.
- Control Zone
- Sonic the Hedgehog - Attack on the Death Egg
- Review Zone
- Shinobi - The Fear Pavilion: Part 6
- News Zone
- The Legend of the Golden Axe: Part 6
- Q Zone
- Wonder Boy - Wonder Boy in Demon World: Part 6
- Speedlines
- Next Issue
Sonic the Hedgehog[]
Attack on the Death Egg is a complete story, written by Nigel Kitching with art from Ferran Rodriguez and lettering by Elitta Fell. In Kintobor's Laboratory, Sonic and Tails learn that the Death Egg is still intact and is on a crash course with the Emerald Hill Zone. Taking the biplane, the heroes take a detour to the Wing Fortress where, after complications with the ship's defences, they acquire a spaceship and head out into space. On board, Sonic fights Silver Sonic and pilots the satellite into the Emerald Ocean.
The Fear Pavilion is a 6-part Shinobi story by Alan McKenzie, Jon Haward and Ellie de Ville. Joe Musashi has finally beaten his Neo Zeed enemies and found the love of his life, Naoko. Even though something seems wrong, Joe seems happy enough until he realises that "Naoko" is actually Water of the Four Elements. Upon discovering that Naoko was never here, Musashi flees.
The Legend of the Golden Axe[]
Citadel of Dead Souls is a 6-part Golden Axe story. The story, provided by Mark Eyles, Mike White and Tom Frame, sees Ax-Battler awaiting his fate in front of Dark Guld at Firedrake Fell. Gilius-Thunderhead and Tyris-Flare aren't far behind, only stopping to rob some magic from elves. Moments before Ax is to be sacrificed, his friends jump in and rescue the barbarian and make sure Dark Guld stays dead this time.
Wonder Boy[]
Wonder Boy in Demon World is an 8-part story by Eyles, M DJ Boyann and Steve Potter, with colouring this issue provided by John M Burns. Shion has finally made it to Demon World but is hassled by officials Schwartz and Egger. After dealing with them, Shion visits The Shame Inn and speaks to loyal Grimomen supporter Drum about the lord's whereabouts. Before long, Shion's demonic arm decides to strangle its owner...
The Control Zone, hosted by Megadroid, teases the two new strips (Streets of Rage and Kid Chameleon) next issue and waves goodbye for now to Shinobi and Golden Axe. There is also more news on the Sega Bus and three mugshots of Axel Stone, Blaze Fielding and Max Hatchet, the SoR heroes. This week's Sega Charts sees new game Cool Spot top the Mega Drive chart and Mickey Mouse 2 move up to top spot for Game Gear. Road Avenger and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 still head the Mega CD and Master System charts, respectively.
Tony Takoushi handles the majority of reviews in this week's Review Zone, with platform fighter Mazin Wars awarded a decent 85% and Sega World Tournament Golf 2 (MS) getting 75%. Editor Richard Burton also gets involved with Summer Challenge, a game for up to 10 players that received a respectable 80%. The News Zone leads with Domark's F1 game and continues with the Mega-CD conversion of Ecco the Dolphin and the new stars of Golden Axe III. Short Bursts mentions Haunting starring Polterguy, Super Baseball 2020, Shining Force and Virtua Racing. A third page elaborates on 8-bit versions of Desert Strike and Bubsy Bobcat is touted as a Sonic replacement...
The Q Zone is a Q&A special, with David Gibbon answering readers' questions on Ghostbusters, Golden Axe, Castle of Illusion, Chakan, Super Hang-On, Chuck Rock, Strider, Toki, Super Thunder Blade, Streets of Rage 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog 2. A separate Master System column lists tips for The Ninja, Speedball and Alex Kidd in High Tech World.
Finally, Speedlines has tales of Boomers' mums shouting at them for losing them a life on Alex Kidd, Mega-CD age limits, Sega Bus dates and not getting their pictures printed. All entries into Speedlines are awarded a Sonic 2 Badge.
- Richard Burton - editor
- Clare Gillmore - designer
- Chris Power - publisher
- Carl Flint - cover
The previous issue of Sonic the Comic was Issue 5. The next is Issue 7.