Issue 59 is the fifty-ninth edition of Sonic the Comic. Released on the 19th of August 1995 at the price of £1.20, the issue contains four original stories (three of them new) as well as several features and a free gift of some STC transfers.
- Control Zone
- Sonic the Hedgehog - The Brotherhood of Metallix: Part 1
- Graphic Zone
- Kid Chameleon - Back to Unreality!: Part 6
- Knuckles and Tails - The Revenge of Trogg: Part 1
- Q Zone
- Record Baker!
- Sonic's World - The Seven Badniks: Part 1
- Speedlines
- Next Issue
Sonic the Hedgehog[]
The Brotherhood of Metallix is a 4-part story by Nigel Kitching, Richard Elson and Ellie de Ville. The Freedom Fighters are visiting the Metropolis Zone after the Kintobor Computer detected Badnik activity. Sure enough, Sonic is forced to deal with the ridiculous Mr. Blobnik but finds himself captured. Meanwhile, Grimer is kidnapped through the Pirate Omni-Viewer by a Metallix and Doctor Robotnik reveals he must join forces with Sonic before the Brotherhood of Metallix can take over the world.
Kid Chameleon[]
Back to Unreality! is a 6-part story written by Michael Cook, drawn by Brian Williamson and lettered by Tom Frame. Casey has revealed his true identity to Brad but the pair are now stranded in a stormy sea and under attack from a shark. The fight goes badly and Brad only just manages to save Casey from the shark's jaws. Climbing up a cliff, the pair encounter a broken telepad. However, Brad is sent back into the game and Casey is left behind, with The Voice looking to take on its greatest challenge.
Knuckles and Tails[]
The Revenge of Trogg is a 6-part story written and drawn by Kitching, with lettering from Elitta Fell. In the Emerald Chamber, the security alarm is going off but there appears to be no problems in the Mushroom Hill Zone. However, Tails seems to be walking towards a portal and Knuckles leaps in to help, assuming he is being kidnapped. The heroes end up in the Nameless Zone, where Shaman Warpull guesses that the echidna is Sonic. The fox explains that the Enchanter Kings have been captured by Trogg and Errol Blackthorn has been transformed into a monster.
Sonic's World[]
The Seven Badniks is a 4-part story by Mark Eyles, Mike Hadley, John M Burns and Frame. Sonic and Tails are busting Badniks in the Hill Top Zone, prompting B.A.R.F. to come and clean up the mess. Later, Robotnik proposes to transfer Palmtree Panic Zone Badniks to the Green Hill Zone, confusing the heroes. Although reluctant, the engineers fly off to the Miracle Planet.
Megadroid kicks things off with the Control Zone and helps Boomers use the free transfers that came with this issue. The Sega Charts looks to the past this week, with Donald Duck and Micro Machines re-entering the Master System and Game Gear charts in first place. Brian Lara Cricket moves to the top of the Mega Drive chart and Earthworm Jim does the same for the Mega-CD.
Surf's up in the Graphic Zone, with Sonic and Knuckles catching some waves and earning their artists a pack of Crayola Overwriters. David Gibbon presents the second part of a FIFA '95 special in the Q Zone, delving into the formations, tactics and setpiece hints. Record Baker! is a special feature, with Audrey Wong interviewing Nik Baker about surfing.
Speedlines features letters about Sonic Drift 2, Knuckles' Chaotix and the Highgrove Sonic Stationary set, which was the prize for all featured entries this issue.
- Richard Burton - managing editor
- Deborah Tate - editor
- Gary Knight - designer
- Timothy Read - designer
- Audrey Wong - assistant editor
- Carl Flint - cover and transfers art
- Rob McMenemy - publisher
- Sarah Colley - production
- Tom Glenister - advertising
The previous issue of Sonic the Comic was Issue 58. The next is Issue 60.