Sonic the Comic Wiki

Issue 15 is the fifteenth edition of Sonic the Comic, the UK's official SEGA comic. Released on the 11th December 1993, at the price of £1.10, the issue contained four original stories (one of them new) as well as several features and a competition to win game consoles.



Sonic the Hedgehog[]

The Green Eater is a complete story written by Mark Millar, drawn by Mike Hadley and lettered by Elitta Fell. Deep in the Scrap Brain Zone, the enormous Terra-Droid is forcing other Badniks to build the Green Eater, a device that will "bleed the planet dry" and can eat all plant life. When Sonic learns of this, the hero bursts into the Zone, rescuing his friends at the same time. The freed Emerald Hill folk distract the robot while Sonic performs a Sonic-Cyclone around the Green Eater, destroying it. A quick fight against the slave-driver later and Sonic has a new home for his friends - Terra-Droid's deactivated shell!

Ecco the Dolphin[]

Ecco the Dolphin is a 6-part story written by Woodrow Phoenix and lettered by Tom Frame. Steve White replaces Chris Webster on art duties. Ecco is in the clutches of a pterodactyl, but the dinosaur reveals itself to be a friend and carries the dolphin to a glyph in the sky. "The One Who Waits" tells Ecco he must travel to Atlantis and talk with other glyphs. It also informs him that his enemies are from another world, but the glyphs will help him reach them. Ecco returns to the sea, narrowly making it to a teleportation glyph before a predator eats him.

The Legend of the Golden Axe[]

Plague of Serpents is a 6-part story by Mark Eyles, Mike White and Ellie de Ville. Gilius-Thunderhead has come under attack from dwarf Yuki-Plantcharmer. Although wounded, Tyris-Flare steps in to stop her until it is revealed that she is Gilius' sister. The squabbling siblings enter the Hammerynth caverns, narrowly missing a hypnotised Ax-Battler wandering the caves. A spy snake alerts Cobraxis to their arrival and sends Viprax to fight them.

Decap Attack[]

Starring Chuck D. Head! is a 6-part Decap story, with this being the final part. Written and drawn by Nigel Kitching with lettering by Steve Potter, the story continues Professor Frank N. Stein revealing his Clone-O-Matic creation - a Blockbusters contestant (and his mascot Winston)! Horrified that this is the type of zombie Frank could make, Max D. Cap and Rupert flee the castle with the clone in pursuit. After a final word of warning, Max's castle descends below the ground once more and Igor takes their new friend to the dungeon for a spot of torture.


The Control Zone, hosted by Megadroid, welcomes Boomers as the Christmas season hots up, despite him being fed up about it. Fortunately, he's finished creating the first two editions of Sonic the Poster Mag! There's also a large profile about Miles "Tails" Prower in preparation for his first solo story next issue. Megadroid also launches the new subscription service which can be found on the inside back cover. The Sega Charts are largely similar to last week; Night Trap returns to the top of the Mega-CD chart, while Mortal Kombat still leads all others.

Sonic the Hedgehog CD gets main billing in this issue's Review Zone, with Vincent Low awarding it 90%. The lead reviewer also covers two other Mega-CD games, giving Silpheed 85% and Ecco the Dolphin a similarly high 90%. New reviewer Steve May plays Gauntlet IV (MD, 78%), and a lacklustre PGA Tour Golf (MS/GG, 54%). Much of the News Zone welcomes new fighting game Eternal Champions and dedicates a column to Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine. In time for Christmas, there is a list of some of the console bundles you can buy, and there is news on the Mega Drive conversion of Virtua Racing. Short Bursts mentions the new video of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and games Dragon's Revenge and F117 Night Storm.

This week's Q Zone is general tips from David Gibbon, helping out with games such as Pit-Fighter, Aladdin (both MD) and Predator (MS). Speedlines sees Megadroid answers letters for a first-time STC reader, more free gifts, some jokes, someone calling Megadroid out on his lack of pay and a lone girl reader. All entries in Speedlines received a Tomy Sonic the Hedgehog Water Fun Game.



The previous issue of Sonic the Comic is Issue 14. The next is Issue 16.

Fleetway issues