Sonic the Comic Wiki

Issue 104 is the one hundred and fourth edition of Sonic the Comic. Released on the 14th of May 1997 at the price of £1.25, the issue contained four original stories (two of them new), several features and a Burrobot pin-up (misspelled as 'Barrobot').



Sonic the Hedgehog[]

Flickies' Island is a 3-part story by Nigel Kitching, Richard Elson and Tom Frame. After two long years, the Emerald Hill folk have finally been allowed to return home thanks to the generosity of Knuckles the Echidna. Sonic soon becomes bored without the threat of Doctor Robotnik, unaware he's causing trouble on Flickies' Island. Tails knows somethings up, thanks to a tweet from a friendly Flicky.

Captain Plunder[]

Captain Plunder and the Spice Maidens is a 6-part Plunder story written by Kitching, drawn by Nigel Dobbyn and lettered by Elitta Fell. Plunder and Filch are called to the house of Queen Zorabel to meet the Spice Maidens, her granddaughters. Zorabel wants Plunder to take them to find treasure, but Plunder is understandably nervous. Things are made worse when he inadvertantly convinces Zorabel to come with them.

Decap Attack[]

Funny Old Game is a complete story by Kitching and Richard Rayner, with art from Mick McMahon and lettering by Ellie de Ville. The football final between Transylvania United and Black Forest Gateaux is almost over and the inhabitants of Castle Frank N. Stein aren't happy. With a biased referee swinging things the wrong way, Head takes matters into his own "hands" and forces a win for their beloved team.


Flip Side is a 2-part Tails story, co-starring Sonic. The story, created by Lew Stringer, Carl Flint, John M Burns and de Ville continues Tails' sudden change in personality. Ever since he was hypnotised by Doctor Sorders, Tails believes himself to be cool and only grudgingly saves Alf Bandstand and his co-pilot. Sonic and Sorders rush to the Gravel Pit Zone where Tails is about to make mincemeat of himself...


The Control Zone, hosted by Megadroid, briefly introduced Boomers to the stories inside the issue, as well as teasing forthcoming Deception. There is also a feature encouraging readers to take out a subscription to avoid missing out on issues. The Sega Charts see Sonic 3D return to the top of the Mega Drive chart with new entry Manx TT coming in top of the Saturn list.

This issue's Graphic Zone is titled Noise Zone with Sonic and friends dabbling in some musical exercise. Owners of published pictures received a pack of Crayola Mini Stampers 2. Speedlines letters included a reader asking about the pack on Grimer's back (apparently down to Richard Elson), another wonders where Shortfuse the Cybernik, Tekno the Canary and her workshop have gone while the last reader pretends they have kidnapped Sonic (and the author of the letter) in exchange for a Sonic 2 Crucial Cup. The only picture sees Amy Rose seemingly getting ready to shoot Tails with her crossbow.



The previous issue of Sonic the Comic was Issue 103. The next is Issue 105.

Fleetway issues