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Sonic the Comic Wiki

The gun from Eternal Champions, art by Jon Haward.

Not to be confused by G.U.N., a military force in Sonic the Comic Online.

Guns (or firearms) are handheld weapons used in many Sega Superstars series, although they have seen limited usage in main Sonic the Hedgehog stories. A gun in the hands of an aggressive assailant will often lead to the death of a victim, as bullet wounds to the head, heart and other vital organs are fatal. Guns are long-ranged alternatives to swords and are more accurate and deadly than thrown spears and shurikens. Within Sonic the Comic, guns are almost exclusively given to villains, helping writers to get across an anti-gun mesage.

  • Guns were first seen on a wide scale within the Streets of Rage series, in the hands of almost every gang member. A bazooka was first used by Bananas to attack the heroes' Battle Wagon and then by Max Hatchet to destroy The Safe House. Another one was later fired to take down a helicopter carrying the vigilantes. As a twist to most situations, guns are sometimes used by the good guys, but they often prepared hand-to-hand combat. The battle wagon is fitted with twin front guns and a powerful cannon on the roof. Skates wielded a flare gun at the helpless body of Mr X and Officer Murphy was killed by three corrupt policemen with shotguns.
  • Guns are sometimes seen in the Eternal Champions series, although they are not as effective as melee combat. RAX Coswell once participated in a Cyber-Dome before his death that involved him using Bio-Keyed guns to attack each other. The titular heroes ventured to this time zone to retrieve one of these keys, but unwittingly left it for Nakano to find and speed up his production of the weapon. Guns were later used by Chicago police to fight Larcen Tyler, but the cat burglar could easily relieve them of their firearms with his hooks.
  • Guns are used exclusively by the villains in the world of Shinobi, by both the Neo Zeed and the Yakuza. Hired security guards attempted to capture and kill Joe Musashi with machine guns, but Joe rendered one useless by cutting the end off. The Yakuza are specialised in using them and succeeded in shooting the elderly Kotomi-sensei. Fortunately, the sensei was able to remove the bullet using magic. Other attempts to shoot their targets sometimes saw them shooting each other.
  • Many Badniks use gun substitutions as their main weapon to take out Sonic and friends. Eggrobo Badniks hold a literal gun that can be stolen and used by other people, like when Sonic stole it to shoot another Eggrobo and stole his jet pack. Commander Brutus attached a gun to his arm when his hand was ripped off by Super Sonic. Other Troopers also hold a literal gun, some of which have been seen to be very powerful.
  • Another sniper rifle was handed to Tails by unicorn Forelock, granting him the perfect opportunity to kill Doctor Robotnik. Tails refused to commit the atrocity and Forelock revealed it was all just an illusion.
  • The Household Keepers and Bounder Brigade of the Hill Top Zone use guns to kill their targets. When an image of Rouge the Bat pulled out a gun, the security forces tried to shoot the villain but only destroyed a priceless mural. Rouge's weapon was actually a dud with a "BANG" flag. Oswald is a sniper on the team, but couldn't shoot Rouge thanks to the smoke obstructing his view. Masad Akaan also carried a gun, but this froze after being stolen by Sonic.
  • As their name suggests, G.U.N. are kitted out with guns but haven't yet been seen to use them. Similarly, several other characters have been seen to hold guns but haven't used them.
  • Shadow II is shown to have a fondness for handguns, despite the fact that he doesn't really need them.