Sonic the Comic Wiki

Art by Andy Pritchett

Geek's Gold is possibly the name given to metal that looks like gold but is actually worthless. Its existence is questionable, as Amy Rose may have made the term up.

During an encounter with crooks Sid and Tone, Amy and Tekno the Canary stumbled upon a chest filled with ancient treasure. Since Sid and Tone weren't prepared to share it with the local population, Amy tricked them into thinking it was a prop left behind from the filming of Caves of Gold. Sid and Tone tussled, with a loose firing of a gun causing the cave's ceiling to bury the gold. The criminals still believed it to be fake and left. However, Amy instructed Tekno to use a spare Boring Machine to reach the actually real gold and take it to the nearest village.


  • Geek's Gold is similar to the real-world Fool's Gold (or iron pyrite) but has different meanings.

