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Forbidden Island is a complete Tails story in Issue 149 of Sonic the Comic.



A siren shatters the calm of the Emerald Hill Zone, leading Tails, Johnny Lightfoot and Shortfuse the Cybernik to rush to the Control Centre. The Kintobor Computer has located the main headquarters of the Doctor Robotnik Appreciation Tribe to a tiny island ten miles out into the ocean and Shortfuse is keen to "nail them" for all the trouble they've caused. Since Sonic the Hedgehog is away (in Shanazar), the three of them head their themselves, Tails and Johnny in the biplane. However, everything goes wrong when Shortfuse's circuits and the plane's engine cut out, forcing them to turn back. On the island, D.R.A.T. gloat over their victory, Grand Chief Whip grateful for the scrambler given to them by Doctor Robotnik.

Back at base, Johnny suggests that Tails fly to the island himself, but the fox reveals it is too far for him. Instead, he borrows Charmy Bee from the Chaotix Crew and the pair take turns to fly each other to the island (with Tails forced to put up with Charmy's annoying banter). They manage to get past the forcefield but are shot down by hidden guns, throwing them deep into a battle with armoured D.R.A.T. goons. Tails flees while Charmy takes a beating from the D.R.A.T. technology, but the fox is soon captured. Grand Chief Whip prepares to execute the meddling heroes but finds his armour has failed. Tails confesses that he reversed the scrambler, shutting down all electronics on the island. This allows even Charmy to defeat the armoured thugs and the crooks are soon rounded up and shipped back to mainland Mobius.


  • Shortfuse steps inside the Control Centre for the first time.
  • Tails' method of "reversing the polarity of the neutron flow" is a quote taken from the classic series of Doctor Who.
  • Tails states that pointing the scrambler inwards means that all power on the island is dead. This should mean that the scrambler is also dead, allowing the suits to work.


The previous Tails story was No More Heroes. The next is Going Underground.
