Sonic the Comic Wiki

Art by Nigel Dobbyn

Ducks are birds from Planet Earth and Mobius. They spend much of their time by the water, with many ducks feeding by diving under the surface and eating small insects. They are often recognised by their long bills and "quack" call.

Sonic the Comic[]

Ducks have appeared sparingly in Sonic the Comic:

  • Max Ear Wax wore an inflatable life belt around his belt in the Pirate S.T.C. story, sporting a duck's head on the front.
  • Ultra-Duck, also known as "Big Bill Screwloose", is an out-of-work duck who pretended to be a better superhero than the Freedom Fighters in order to undermine their efforts. Unfortunately, he was useless when real Badniks came to attack and Tekno the Canary revealed his real identity.
  • A caped duck from the year 5000 regretted not being able to tell Tekno and Amy Rose about their future perils.