Sonic the Comic Wiki

Art by Richard Elson

Colonel Percy Granite is a soldier from Planet Earth who once ran Operation Starwatch, a government organisation committed to the catching of aliens. Completely narcissistic and maybe even a little insane, Granite longed to discover why aliens wanted to invade his planet, although he soon moved on to the goal of invading other planets and even ruling his own. He was arrested on the orders of the Prime Minister after a failed invasion of Mobius.


At some point, Colonel Granite was given his own division of the army codenamed "Operation Starwatch". After waiting for many years to catch alien invaders, his wish came true when Mobians Amy Rose and Tekno the Canary arrived on Earth to ask for directions back home. Granite personally led a team to the house of Professor Cratermass to arrest the scientist and the two aliens, taking them back to his London base for questioning. Amy and Tekno continuously refuted claims they planned to summon an alien invasion and Cratermass explained to Granite that he was merely trying to get them home. Granite was baffled to see a canary flying without any wings and was slow to respond to their escape. He eventually led a team of two helicopters and a jeep back to Cratermass' house, but was unable to stop the Mobians returning home. He then happily tried to follow them through the Gateway to Infra-Space, but the portal was deleted by Cratermass before the crazy colonel could.

Some time later, Granite began secretly diverting military funds to develop a time machine. With the machine finally created, Granite cooked up a plan to invade 1880s United States with advanced technology, aiming to usurp all world leaders and become the "master of the world". Granite began by installing robot workers in old Kansas, but the site was discovered by Tekno during her journeys through the Ring of Eternity. She was rescued from the fierce robots by Amy (currently a deputy sheriff), but the two were ordered to be executed by Granite's armed soldiers. In turn, the girls were rescued by the local sheriff and the girls used the distraction to push Granite back through his time machine, joining him back in present-day England. Angered, Granite captured Amy and ordered Tekno to give him the co-ordinates to Mobius. The canary agreed, but rigged the device to explode once they returned home. Fortunately for Granite, he had a back-up of the co-ordinates and set to work rebuilding the time machine.


Percy awaits the "googly-eyed" aliens. Art by Roberto Corona and John M Burns.

A few months later, Granite prepared his troops to invade Mobius. The chosen time was on New Year's Eve, a time when all of the Emerald Hill folk were celebrating together. The surprise attack gave the humans the advantage and Granite gleefully explained to Tails that he wished to colonise Mobius and sell the land to industrial developers. With Tails and Johnny Lightfoot tied up, Shortfuse the Cybernik out of action and Sonic the Hedgehog trapped on Earth, Granite declared the planet to be his, renaming it "Planet Percy". Fortunately, Sonic had been informed of Granite's second base and returned to Mobius that way, just in time to see Mother Nature return all the humans back to Earth in a freak storm. Dizzy, Granite urged his troops to regroup but was quickly arrested by the Military Police.

